
  The 1911 Revolution ended dynastic rule in China and paved the way for the founding of Asia's first republic. Triggered by an accidental bomb explosion in Wuchang (modern-day Wuhan), the revolution marked the culminating point of decades of internal rebellion, foreign aggression and political decline; its leaders drew on a ferment of reformist and revolutionary ideas produced by some of China's greatest modern thinkers. Although 1911 did not resolve China's problems, it changed the country for ever, clearing a path for modernisation, and making possible the more decisive revolution of 1949.

  China in Revolution assembles a remarkable survey of historical photographs from leading collections around the world. The images stretch from the Second Opium War to the Boxer Rebellion and wars with Russia and Japan, the outbreak of revolution, through the rise and fall of Yuan Shikai and the ensuing warlord era.

  Accompanying an introductory essay by the editor Liu Heung Shing are essays from three scholars of revolutionary China — Joseph Esherick of UC San Diego, Zhang Haipeng of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Max K.W. Huang of the Academia Sinica — reflecting on the causes, achievements and failures of 1911, and its enduring meaning.


Liu Heung Shing

  Liu is a former foreign correspondent and photojournalist whose postings took him from Beijing to Los Angeles, New Delhi to Seoul, and to Moscow for the Associated Press. During that time he photographed major world events form the Soviet military occupation of Afghanistan to civil war in Sri Lanka and China’s burgeoning economic reforms.

  He was also on hand to capture the fall of the USSR: in 1992, Liu shared a Pulitzer Prize for Spot News and an Overseas Press Club Award for his coverage of the Soviet Union’s collapse. In 1989, Liu was honored with award of Picture of the Year by the School of Journalism at the University of Missouri. In the same year, Liu was named Best Photographer by the Associated Press Managing Editors.

  Liu is the author of the widely acclaimed photographic documentation China After Mao and Soviet Union: Collapse of an Empire. He is the editor of China, Portrait of a Country, which has been published in six languages. The book was selected by Britain's Sunday Times as the Best Picture Book 2008.

  In 2010, Liu co-authored with Karen Smith Shanghai, A History in Photographs 1842 to Today. In 2004, Paris Photo named Liu as one of the hundred most influential people in contemporary photography.

  Liu graduated from Hunter College. City University of New York in 1975. He lives and works in Beijing.


  • ISBN:9789888139507
  • 規格:精裝 / 416頁 / 16k / 19 x 26 x 5.82 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:香港
  • 本書分類:> > >



襯衫是很多人都特別喜歡的一款時尚單品,簡約又百搭,是非常好的凹造型神器。但因為襯衫是基礎款單品,所以想要將它穿出高級感來,就得從造型的整體搭配或者細節上做處理了。超模奚夢瑤向來是比較會穿的,在一次走機場時她為了博眼球直接將襯衫的一邊衣角扯下,這麼大膽的穿法何猷君不管管? ... 雖說現在市面上的襯衫種類比較多,但要說最最經典百搭的款式還屬小白衫莫屬,它不僅能給人一種很乾凈的感覺,搭配起其他單品也比較耐看高級。奚夢瑤這次走機場就用白襯衫搭配了一條皮裙,乾淨的襯衫遇到低調的皮裙,就給人一種清新又幹練的感覺,簡約卻又不失低調感,很能彰顯她超模的氣質。 ... 不過襯衫經典,但也容易穿在身上沒特點,往往不能很好的引起大眾的矚目,所以奚夢瑤當天就在襯衫的穿法上花了一些小心思。她當天在穿白襯衫並沒有將衣扣全部繫上,反而是將襯衫的衣扣解下一半,露出她一邊漂亮的美肩。這樣的處理既很好地獲得了大眾注意,又讓造型看起來不是很死板,非常nice,就是這麼大膽的穿法,何猷君不會管嗎? ... 儘管說奚夢瑤的這種穿法太過於大膽,但不失是一個很好的襯衫新穿法。在我們很多人眼中,襯衫可能就只能正正經經穿,呆板又無趣,很是沒亮點,又或者用衣角打個結,這種穿法雖好但也已經過時了,很沒創意。倒不如像奚夢瑤這樣穿,不僅能很好地增加個人時尚感,還能增加個人魅力值,適合各類人群,微胖女生也能輕鬆駕馭起白襯衫啦! ... 如果說你依舊覺得基礎款白襯衫太過於普通,那你就可以大膽嘗試各類比較誇張一些的襯衫,像奚夢瑤在之前就有很高調的穿過一件豹紋襯衫。這類動物紋元素的單品在當下相當的流行,既給人一種很高級霸氣的感覺,還能讓整個人更加有氣場,奚夢瑤作為超模穿起這件豹紋襯衫輕鬆給人一種貴氣高調感。 ... 另外,牛仔襯衫也是很不錯的凹造型神器,隨著溫度的升高,這個季節穿牛仔襯衫最為合適了,簡約卻又不顯厚重感,讓造型更偏休閒化,如果你是一個比較隨性簡單的人,一定不要錯過低調的牛仔衫。奚夢瑤之前走機場時就穿過一件牛仔外套,搭配一件乾淨的白T,別提多低調了,不過她下半身同樣搭配了一條牛仔褲,若是換成其他單品可能效果會更好一些。 ... 除了從襯衫單品出發之外,大家還可以從搭配上入手,畢竟好的搭配要比一件普通的單品更讓人覺得有看點。奚夢瑤之前有穿過一件格紋襯衫,低調的顏色讓這件襯衫很沒有亮點,但是她卻在下半身搭配了一條寬鬆破洞褲,整體就給人一種很嘻哈街頭范兒,超級的潮流吸睛,配上她的氣質,簡直就是機場最亮眼的仔了。 ... 奚夢瑤真是夠了,為博眼球襯衫非要扯下一邊衣角,何猷君不管管嗎?關於襯衫的選擇搭配就這麼多,希望大家在利用這類基礎款單品搭配時一定要學會從細節上入手,這樣才能美得與眾不同,不是嗎?









壹讀 https://read01.com/nE2m36M.html

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